Use our range of decorative accessories to
customise your Ephrem wood-fired oven
, with concrete finishes, terracotta decor and style details. Customise your oven and choose from several options of arches, façades and doors that are easy to install. This year, it is all about the black brick, setting the right tone for a contemporary look. Also view our combined models for a turnkey solution. And don’t forget to check out our social media pages to see our creations!Cast iron façade with double swing door
Practical and attractive for an ideal finish
297€ TTC
Siena Arch
Terracotta and black background: between tradition and modernity
Ocher arch
Ochre brick: timeless cladding
Black arch
Black-on-black: a contemporary arch
Granite arch
Black bricks on a white background: a graphic frame
Black façade brick look
A black design that looks good with the steel doors
210€ TTC
Natural stone façade
A traditional style that suits all exteriors
186€ TTC
Black stone façade
A slate-inspired façade
186€ TTC
Black Sun façade
A simple and modern finish
186€ TTC
Combiné L’Authentique
A generous, ready-to-build format
Combiné L’Essentiel
A basic kit, easy to integrate