Sustainable innovation

Ephrem rotating baking ovens

are unique due to high-performance equipment combined with the core characteristics of a traditional wood-fired oven. Our ovens are entirely produced and prefabricated in our workshops in Haute Provence, before we install them either in a turnkey version or through assisted and guided co-construction

Throughout this page you will discover all the strengths of our ovens, from working with the material to installing it in your workspace. To get started, watch our explanatory video in period images on our YouTube channel:

baker ovens

Le Boulanger 4m Ephrem
Oven damper control
Direct heating
Steam generator
Articulated inside light
Glass tilt-up door
Motorized rotating floor
Ash collection system
Customizable embellishment
Control box

Choice criteria :

  • Fabrication française Made in
  • Chauffe directe Direct heating:
    authentic wood-fired
  • Inertie exceptionnelle Exceptional
    thermal inertia
  • Clefs Turnkey designs
  • Solde rotative motorisée Motorised rotating
  • Savoir-faire historique Long-standing know-how
    approved by
    our customers
  • Solidité & robustesse Strong
    & robust
  • Matériaux naturels Natural

Our creations