Wood-grilled fish is a dish that evokes authentic flavors, those of a good summer meal that you take the time to enjoy with family and friends.
This recipe offers many variations and accompaniments to delight your guests. Enhanced by wood-fired cooking, the fish retains its melt-in-the-mouth flesh and crispy, grilled surface. Discover our healthy and delicious recipe.
Which fish to choose for wood-fired cooking?
Firm-fleshed fish should be preferred, as they retain their shape even when grilled at high temperatures. Some species are well suited to wood-fired cooking and can be skewered without splitting: sea bream, trout, tuna, salmon, cod, sea bass. We advise you to choose fresh fish, which gives incomparable flavors when grilled.
Ingredients and equipment
For 4 people, you will need :
- 1 kg of your choice of fresh fish: tuna, salmon, cod, sea bream, trout, sea bass ;
- 4 fresh tomatoes, organic if possible ;
- 4 fresh button mushrooms ;
- fleur de sel, freshly ground pepper, aromatic herbs.
Equipment required:
- metal skewers ;
- a dish suitable for kebabs ;
- a wood-fired oven for Ephrem households;
- Ephrem wood-fired oven rack ;
- accessories for wood-fired ovens.
The recipe for wood-grilled fish
This recipe is valid not only for domestic ovens, but also for professional wood-fired ovens and bakers’ wood-fired ovens.
- Light your wood-fired oven in advance, so as to obtain a good quantity of embers.
- Scale the fish if necessary, clean them and cut them into pieces large enough to fit the skewers.
- Wash the tomatoes and button mushrooms. Cut into quarters.
- Stick your ingredients onto the skewers in any order you like.
- When the wood-fired oven is ready and has reached a temperature of around 200°C, remove the embers, set up the grill and place the skewers. Leave to cook for as long as necessary, checking every 5 minutes: fish cooks quickly.
- When the preparations are cooked, defour and season to taste: salt, pepper, aromatic herbs.
- Enjoy your fish grilled over an open fire.
We recommend eating your dish with baked potatoes, rice or grilled vegetables. You can accompany your meal with a dry, fruity white wine: Riesling, Sancerre, Muscadet, Chablis.
Pinterest photo pictures : Gourmandiz.be